Meet with a gun trust attorney from Southern Gun Law Group. Southern Gun Law Group will exhibit at the Palm Beach Gun and Knife Show on September 26th and 27th. This Florida-based gun show is held at the National Guard Armory at 3193 Gun Club Drive in West Palm Beach. The event will have wall-to-wall exhibitors, more than 100 tables, concealed weapons permit training classes, as well as diverse firearms and knives for sellers, traders, and buyers.
In addition to learning about gun trusts and carefully addressing firearms in one’s estate plan, the Palm Beach Gun and Knife Show will showcase pistols, hunting weapons and gear, laser optics, competitive shooting rifles, military items, swords, knives, and more. Visit Saturday, September 26th from 9AM-5PM or Sunday, September 27th from 10AM-4PM. There are no parking fees, and the event is open to all ages. Register for the gun show here.By Attorney Samantha Reichle