Once per year, Guns & Ammo Magazine ranks every state with respect to gun laws to determine where in the United States are the best places to own a gun. Arizona and Vermont lead the nation – but in the South? Our gun trust lawyers at Southern Gun Law Group reviewed the list focusing on the states we serve as well as neighboring southern states. Almost all of the states served by Southern Gun Law Group made the Top 20 nationally:

State Rank in Southeast Rank in U.S.
Florida* 1 12
Georgia 2 13
South Carolina 3 14
North Carolina* 4 19
Tennessee* 5 23


*States served by Southern Gun Law Group attorneys. See 2014 rankings here.


Although Florida fell two spots nationally from last year, it moved higher among the southern states. Florida currently offers the most attractive gun laws in the Southeast. Florida continues to enforce zero restrictions on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) and NFA items. In the spring of 2015, several legislation changes provided more freedom to gun owners. Learn more about recent changes to Florida gun law here.
North Carolina rose a spot in the Southeast and continues to hold the same national rank. The number of North Carolina firearm owners is rising – despite several revisions to permit requirements failing to pass through the legislature that would have simplified the application process.
Tennessee fell several spots nationally and comes in last among the southeastern states this year. Like Florida, Tennessee has no restrictions on NFA items. The concealed carry laws are also some of the most favorable in the country. However, a minor downside for some Tennessee gun owners: hunting fees increased this summer.

Share the news about your state’s ranking and tag our gun trust attorneys on Twitter @southerngunlaw and Facebook.By Attorney Gregory Herman-Giddens